Riverstone Public School

A vibrant and caring learning community

Telephone02 9627 1517


Fees and Enrolment Information

Pre-school Enorolment for 2022 

See link here to apply to enrol at Riverstone PS Preschool for 2022.

 NSW application to enrol in a preschool at a school site.

To access this application in a range of languages please see link:


You will need to download, complete, and return by email to riverstone-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

To progress all applications, we require a copy of all items as relevant to your circumstance as listed on page 14 of the application. Please attach these in your email.

Please visit our school or call the office on 9627-1517 to learn more our preschool program and facilities and how you can access an application to enrol pack. 

General enrolment guidelines for department of education preschools are as follows;

Department preschools enrol children for one year only, the year before they start school.

Children can enrol from the beginning of the school year if they turn four years of age before 31 July that year.

Priority is given to:

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children
  • children living in low socio-economic circumstances
  • children who are unable to access other early childhood settings due to financial hardship

The Principal of the school will then offer enrolment in the following order:

  • children living within the school's catchment area
  • children living outside the catchment area but have siblings at the school
  • other applicants

Immunisation: Families must provide documentation about their child's immunisation status. Enrolment cannot proceed without this information. Read more about immunisation.

Birth certificates: Families must provide documentation as evidence of their child's identify and date of birth. However, if no birth certificate is available, this can be shown through a secondary document. Examples of secondary documents are:

  • passport
  • blue book
  • hospital birth card
  •  baptism, christening, name giving or similar record.

Temporary visa holders in preschools:

  • Preschool children who are temporary visa holders may enrol in departmental preschools under the same conditions as Australian citizens. However, some short-term visa holders are ineligible.
  • Temporary residents who hold visitor/tourist visas are not eligible for enrolment.
  • Temporary visa holders are required to pay preschool class fees although they do not have to pay the temporary resident's fee.

Early Intervention classes: Enrolment in early intervention classes  is through an access request application process. Contact our school office for details of how to connect with our local area learning and wellbeing officer, who can give you more information.

Preschool Fees

The preschool fee schedule  is based on the Preschool Class Fees in Government Schools policy and outlines the daily fees that schools should charge for attendance at the preschool, based on the relative index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) value of the school. The schedule allows for reduction for commonwealth health care card holders and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

National childcare rebates and subsidies are not available to families as department preschools do not meet the government's criteria for these.

The full fee for Riverstone Public School Preschool is $15 per day. Depending on the pattern of enrolment for your child’s class, for the year of 2021 you will be charged $30 per week for one semester and $45 per week for the other semester. If your child is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or you hold a current Centrelink Health Care Card, you are entitled to reduced fees. Please see office staff for more details.

Preschool Hours

Preschools operate on the same days and hours as other primary schools in NSW. Schools provide opportunities for staff and school leaders to improve their skills and professional capacity to deliver key curriculum priorities.

Preschools will be open the same days as schools see dates for school terms

From 2021, the organisation of Preschool sessions, is as follows;

Term 1 and Term 2: 

Blue and Green - Monday, Tuesday

Red and Purple - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Term 3 and Term 4: 

Blue and Green - Monday Tuesday and Wednesday

Red and Purple - Thursday and Friday